Establishing Nutritional Management after Natural Disaster for Children Under-five Years in Indonesia: A Systematic Review


Background: Indonesia has the potential for natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, landslides, tsunamis and others. The impact of displacement for children under-five is the risk of infectious diseases, nutritional deficits, growth and psychosocial disorders. Food aid for adult refugees is relatively less problematic than for children because adults can consume various types of food. Otherwise, children under-five have been unable to consume all various foods provided at the shelter. If this problem is not addressed, children will suffer from malnutrition and may become malnourished further. This study focuses on nutrition management after-disaster for children under-five. Methods: The type of study was cross-sectional. This research was carried out by systematic review study, which was a literature study that published about Indonesia databases using Science Direct and Proquest. The inclusion criteria were studies that focused on food and nutrition management for children in the shelter. Results: The study shows that the nutrition management for children under-five in the shelter has not been addressed optimally, so it is urgent to specifically and integrated nutrition management. Nutrition programs in the shelter include nutrition services, nutrition counseling, nutritionist, and food supply. Conclusion: The role of nutritionists during emergency disasters can contribute to optimal nutrition services in shelter. They can help by arranging menus and attention to nutrition and food hygiene to be provided to children. SOP’s for addressing nutrition health are required, as well allocation funds to provide nutritious food for children under-five.

Keywords: nutrition, disaster,, shelter,, food management


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How to Cite
Laili, R., Alristina, A., Hayudanti, D., & Ethasari, R. (2022). Establishing Nutritional Management after Natural Disaster for Children Under-five Years in Indonesia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 5(4), 11-18.