Management of Pregnant Women's Nutrition in Disaster Emergencies in Indonesia: A Systematic Review


Background: Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has a high potential for disaster. This is due to Indonesia's position at the equator and its wide geographic area and diverse demographics. Pregnant women are priority group because they are susceptible to nutritional problems during disasters. Pregnant women who are malnourished have a high potential for premature delivery, giving birth to babies with low birth weight and even death for mothers and children so that they become a real health threat. This research focuses on the nutritional needs of pregnant women in disaster. Methods: The method used is a cross sectional method. This research was carried out by a literature study that published about pregnant women’s during disaster in Indonesia databases. Inclusion criteria are research that focuses on the management of nutrition for pregnant women in disaster emergencies. Results: Health problems frequently occurs in pregnant women, namely not being aware of the increased nutritional needs during pregnancy, especially during a disaster, so there is a risk of decreasing in maternal nutritional status. There are several nutritional treatments for pregnant women that can be carried out during disaster such as measuring nutritional status, managing needs and food for pregnant women, as well as providing additional food and supplements for pregnant women such as blood-added tablets, folic acid, calcium, etc. Conclusion: Management of nutrition during disaster emergency can help to maintain nutritional control in pregnant women and ensure the health of both the mother and the fetus.

Keywords: Keywords: Pregnant women, Disasters, Nutrition management


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How to Cite
Hayudanti, D., Ethasari, R., Alristina, A., & Laili, R. (2022). Management of Pregnant Women’s Nutrition in Disaster Emergencies in Indonesia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 5(4), 19-26.