The Utilizing Heart Failure Digital Education Media (HF-DEM) Intervention on the Quality of Life among Heart Failure Patients
Introduction: Heart failure patient care has evolved to include a variety of methods and technology aimed at preventing recurrence and improving patients' quality of life. the use of digital media aims to improve the self-care ability of heart failure patients. Digital health technologies can improve patient participation through education, remote monitoring, and individualized care. Purpose: This study to identify the effect of Heart Failure Digital Education Media(HF-DEM) on the quality of life of heart failure patients at Dustira Hospital, Bandung-Indonesia. Method: Quantitative research quasi experiment approach type with pre post method. The population of this study were 63 patients with heart failure who underwent outpatient care with the criteria Patients who were diagnosed with heart failure for more than 2 years and had been treated at Dustira Hospital and were able to read and have a smartphone. Sample size are 30 respondents with purposive sampling technique and divided into 2 groups. Respondent in Intervention group was given the digital education namely Heart Failure Digital Education Media (HF-DEM) consisting Video and e-booklet and intervention was given 1 week. Result:The results showed that the quality of life of heart failure patients at Dustira Hospital before being given the intervention was 3 respondents (20%) had a moderate quality of life and 12 respondents (80%) had a poor quality of life and after being given the intervention as many as 13 respondents (87%) had a good quality of life and 2 respondents (13%) had a moderate quality of life. Statistical tests using Mann Withney obtained a p-value of 0.000 which indicates the effect of providing HF-DEM interventions on the quality of life of heart failure patients at Dustira Hospital. Discussion:After the HF-DEM intervention, there was an improvement in the patient's quality of life, this shows the effect of the intervention provided along with the improvement of the patient's Self Care.
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