Molecular Mechanism Prediction of Protein from Moringa oleifera Leaves using Computational Approach

  • Ariana Listuhayu Wahyuni Medical Laboratory Technology Department, Maharani Health Collage of Malang Jl. Akordion Selatan 8B Malang, Indonesia
  • Farahdita Devi Masyitoh Medical Laboratory Technology Department, Maharani Health Collage of Malang Jl. Akordion Selatan 8B Malang, Indonesia


Moringa oleifera (kelor) is one of Indonesia’s natural wealth that potentially be an alternative therapy of health problems. Various studies have proved that its can act as a barrier to the development of cancer cells and overcome metabolic syndrome problems. Moringa oleifera is also reported rich with beneficial proteins, so it can be used as alternative food. This study aims to separate mixture proteins (proteome) of Moringa oleifera leaves varieties Madura and Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). The study design was exploratory and used SDS-PAGE, then profiled the predicted protein in SDS-PAGE gel. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, data analysis was descriptive and used online software analysis of protein ( The results of SDS-PAGE compared with proteins marker standard, it showed there was consistently protein ribbon that appeared in both varieties, in range of 36 kDa molecular weight, then data compared with Arabidopsis thaliana for protein leaves database. The result showed that there is one consistent protein band on Moringa oleifera NTB, in the range 55 kDa. This protein also predicted has a molecular function as calcium binding protein. Moringa oleifera Madura, have two predicted protein that expressed in range 36 Kda. The first protein was pyruvate dehidrogenase E1 component sub unit beta with predicted molecular weight 35,7 kDa, that important in composing Acetyl CoA, as an oxydoreductase, an enzyme that facititates the acetyl transfer mechanism and the other protein was probable araginase component which have predicted molecular weight 35,5 kDa, and have a molecular function as hydrolase on nitrogen metabolism and urea cycle.

Keywords: Moringa oleifera, Predicted Protein, In Sillico study


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How to Cite
Wahyuni, A., & Masyitoh, F. (2018). Molecular Mechanism Prediction of Protein from Moringa oleifera Leaves using Computational Approach. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 1(1), 28-33. Retrieved from