Sustainable Impact of Health Education Minimizing Smoking Habit Among Adolescent: A Retrospective Study Focusing on Indonesian Students


Smoking is associated with increased mortality, especially in adolescence, it is seen as a serious public health issue globally. Smoking rates are alarmingly high, especially among 15-year-olds. Adolescent smoking is a major threat to public health in many low- and middle-income countries as well as Indonesia. The aim of this review to find out the different perspective of health education on adolescent smoking in worldwide as well as in Indonesia. Adolescent tobacco use in Indonesia was linked to both sociodemographic and behavioral factors, such as having friends, peers, parents, siblings who were smokers, family dynamics, accessibility, availability, and affordability of tobacco products, social factors, and cigarette advertising. Sociodemographic factors included age, sex, family structure, pocket money, parents' education, attitude, positive perception of the mental health effects of tobacco consumption, and belief that smoking was functional. In this review it is established that education programs provide teenagers with the necessary knowledge to make educated choices and embrace healthier lives by increasing their awareness of the negative impacts of smoking.

Keywords: adolescent smoking, health education, smoking habit


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How to Cite
Tarigan, F., Purba, I., Nababan, D., & Ginting, D. (2024). Sustainable Impact of Health Education Minimizing Smoking Habit Among Adolescent: A Retrospective Study Focusing on Indonesian Students. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 7(4), 21-31.