Analysis of Factors Influencing Rubber Farmers' Knowledge of Climate Change in Rambang District, Muara Enim Regency, Indonesia
Objective: The quality of rubber sap and variables related to climate change have a substantial impact on the revenue of rubber producers. The goal of this study was to collect fundamental information on climate change understanding and analyze the factors influencing rubber farmers' climate change knowledge in one of the rubber plantation centers, Rambang Sub-district. Methods: This research was conducted in Rambang District, Muara Enim Regency, which has 13 villages. In-depth interviews and a review of the literature were the main approaches used to acquire data, with the use of questionnaire techniques. Purposive sampling would be used to choose the respondents. Data were gathered, organized, clarified, and then subjected to descriptive correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The method of multiple linear regression analysis is utilized to ascertain how dependent and independent variables operate together. Results: Respondents in the research were categorized based on education, age, rubber farming experience, number of family dependents, average rubber income, and total rubber plantation. All farmers agree that climate change has occurred and can feel it. Conclusion: 70.42% of rubber farmers know of climate change, whereas 29.58% are uninformed. Partially (t-test), the variables of age and total rubber plantation significantly affect knowledge of climate change. While the variable level of education, rubber gardening experience, number of dependents, and income do not significantly affect the knowledge of climate change rubber tapping farmers in Rambang District, Muara Enim Regency.
Keywords: Climate change, Rambang District, rubber farmer.
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