Determining Knowledge of Stunting among Prospective Brides in East Java, Indonesia


Background: Stunting is a condition of nutritional deficiency that has a negative impact on a person's growth and development. The prevalence of stunted toddlers in East Java in 2022 reached (19.2%) while the prevalence at the national level was 21.6%. In 2022, the East Java provincial Health Office said that the highest prevalence of stunting was in Jember District around 35,000 toddlers. One of the early prevention methods is to detect prospective brides’s knowledge about stunting with the aim that they will be able to raise their children well.

Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the level of knowledge related to stunting in prospective brides.

Methods: Data collection in this study using questionnaires and distributed directly. This study uses descriptive methods with research subjects is a brides who spread across some district in East Java province, Indonesia.

Results: The results showed that respondents with good knowledge were 60%, respondents with moderate knowledge were 30% and respondents with less knowledge were 10%.

Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the prospectus bridesin average have a good knowledge about stunting. By having knowledge as a basis for raising their children and family to prevent stunting.

Keywords: Stunting, bride and groom, Knowledge


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How to Cite
Suhardiningsih, A., Astutiek, D., Priyantini, D., & Kirana, S. (2023). Determining Knowledge of Stunting among Prospective Brides in East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 6(4), 25-30.