Use of Earplugs and Eye Masks in Patients with Sleep Disorders in the ICU: Systematic Review

Earplugs and Eye Masks in Patients with Sleep Disorders

  • Triya Yestika Saleha Nursing Department, Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya), Indonesia
  • Yanti Cahyati Nursing Department, Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya), Indonesia
  • Yudi Triguna Nursing Department, Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health (Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya), Indonesia


The stimuli that can come from the care environment and the development of the disease influence the quality of sleep of patients in intensive care because they can reduce the secretion of melatonin. In contrast, the noise and excessive lighting of the ward will influence a circadian rhythm, impacting parturient disorders (sleep disorders). Therefore, nursing interventions to improve normal circadian rhythms are needed to improve the patient's sleep quality. Wearing earplugs and eye masks is an important and logical way to prevent awakening from sleep caused by external stimuli. This research aimed to determine the effect of ear plugs and eye masks on sleep quality in patients in the intensive care room. The method used is the literature review. This article was taken from Google Scholar for the period 2014–2022. The search and selection procedure based on PRISMA led to the analysis of 20 articles. Results: Based on the analytical results of 20 articles, show that there is an effect of applying ear plugs and eye masks to patients with sleep disorders in the intensive care room. The author recommends the implementation of ear plugs and eye masks in ICU sleep disorder patients because earplugs reduce noise and eye masks function as eye masks so that the light does not directly hit the eyes to improve the quality of sleep in patients in Intensive Care Unit rooms.

Keywords: Earplugs, Eye Mask, Sleep Disorders


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How to Cite
Saleha, T., Cahyati, Y., & Triguna, Y. (2023). Use of Earplugs and Eye Masks in Patients with Sleep Disorders in the ICU: Systematic Review. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 6(2), 1-14.