Formulation of Antioxidant Gel Preparations on the Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) Extract from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Based on AQUPEC 505 HV
Cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara is a local fruit in Indonesia which has many benefits for health. One of compounds contained in Cherry is polyphenol functioning as antioxidant. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about antioxidant activity contained in Cherry in the form of extract or gel preparations with different base of aqupec 505 HV with routine comparison. Methods: The method used in this study was quantitative analysis. The cherry was extracted by using reflux method with 70% ethanol solvent and the quantitative testing of antioxidant activity through DPPH method with methanol solvent. For the qualitative one, Thin Layer Chromatography was used with mobile phase of butanol: acetic acid: water (4:1:5). Results: From the physical quality testing of gel preparations, it was obtained stable result in the room-temperature storage and the result of physical quality testing of formula 3 was totally effective to be used on the skin. From the antioxidant activity testing of Cherry extract, it showed that the value of IC50 is 68.50 ppm. On the formula 1 (aqupec 505 HV 0.5%), the value of IC50 is 189.32 ppm. On the formula 2 (aqupec 505 HV 1%), the value of IC50 is 186.95 ppm. On the formula 3 (aqupec 505 HV 1.5%), the value of IC50 is 184.75 ppm. On the formula 4 (aqupec 505 HV 2%), the value of IC50 is 186.60 ppm. On the formula 5 (aqupec 505 HV 1.5% regularly), the value of IC50 is 174.73 ppm. The results of this study showed that the gel which was made was safe to use and the most effective one was on the formula 5 which obtained IC50 as many as 186.60 ppm.
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