The Implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) in The Development Health Care System in Indonesia
A Literature Review
The development of information technology is now growing rapidly, including in the health sector. According to WHO, medical record is an important compilation of facts about a patient's life and health. The development of information technology in medical records is the electronic medical record (EMR). Developed countries, such as the United States and Korea have implemented EMR for a long time. In developing countries such as Indonesia, the development of EMR is still in progress because its implementation requires many factors to build a system or replace from manual medical records. Eventually, it is hoped that in the future all health care will use the EMR to resume patient datas from admission to discharge. The purpose of this study is to analyse the implementation and preparation of EMR in health care in Indonesia. This study is a literature review on the implementation and preparation of EMR in health care in Indonesia. The review is dome from 28 literature sources (Google-Scholar database). Total of 8 articles were obtained from 2017 to 2021. The results show that there are benefits after switching to EMR, even though some health care only used EMR in certain units. The highest benefit is reducing the cost of duplicating paper for printing. Also there is still limited human resources and tools for implementing EMR in Indonesia. The implementation of this EMR will enable the improvements of the service quality of the health care itself, especially in Indonesia.
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