Pattern of Use and Prevalence of Potentially Inappropriate Medications among Elderly Patients in a Malaysia Suburban Hospital
Introduction: Potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) use among the elderly people is an important public health concern. Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of PIMs prescribed for the elderly patients and the factors associated with it. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Malaysia suburban hospital involving community dwellers aged ≥60 years old who were admitted into the internal medicine discipline from 1 June to 31 December 2015. PIMs was screened with American Geriatrics Society 2015 updated Beers criteria. Results: There were 61.9% of the study subjects prescribed with at least one PIMs. The top three PIMs to avoid were proton-pump inhibitor (13.8%), prazosin (9.2%), and glibenclamide (8.7%). The most common PIMs to be used with caution in older adults was diuretic, specifically, loop diuretic 14.7%, thiazides 13.8%, and potassium–sparing diuretic 6.4%. Polymorbidity and polypharmacy were significantly associated with PIMs use, with p=0.033 and p<0.001 respectively. Study subjects with polypharmacy had an increase odds of 3 times (adjusted odds ratio=3.062, 95% CI 1.619:5.793) in having PIMs prescribed for them compared to those without polypharmacy. Conclusion: The prevalence of PIMs detected in this Malaysia suburban hospital was high. Polypharmacy was the only factor showed to be significantly associated with PIMs use.
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