The Ethno-pharmaceuticals Fighting UTI-Resistant Bacteria: Synergistic Potential Exploration
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a pressing global health concern, exacerbated by the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains. Bioprospecting, involving the exploration of natural resources for therapeutic potential, offers a promising approach to tackling this challenge. Ethnopharmaceuticals, traditional medicinal practices and remedies from indigenous communities, present a valuable source for discovering novel bioactive compounds. This review comprehensively evaluates the bioprospecting of ethnopharmaceuticals and their synergistic potential against antibiotic-resistant UTIs. Drawing from existing literature, we analyze a diverse range of ethnopharmaceuticals, elucidating their mechanisms of action and experimental evidence supporting synergistic interactions. Ethno-pharmaceuticals encompass various plant-based extracts, traditional herbal remedies, and indigenous healing practices utilized across generations to manage infections. We examine the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy in treating UTIs, clarifying their bioactive components and modes of action. Integration of traditional knowledge with modern scientific methodologies is crucial to addressing contemporary health challenges. By harnessing the synergistic potential of ethno-pharmaceuticals, we can develop alternative therapies for UTIs, offering hope for improved treatment outcomes amidst antibiotic resistance.
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