The Effect of Health Education Through Animated Video Media and Leaflets About Breastfeeding Techniques on the Level of Knowledge and Skills of Breastfeeding Mothers


Background: The breastfeeding technique is a way to give milk to babies by paying attention to the position of the mother, baby, and attachment. 67.5% of mothers fail to exclusively breastfeed due to their lack of understanding of breastfeeding techniques; if the breastfeeding technique is incorrect, the baby will find it difficult to breastfeed with swollen breasts, chafed nipples, and breast inflammation. Objective: To determine the Effect of animated video media and leaflets on knowledge and skills about breastfeeding. Method: Experimental queasy with pretest-posttest with control design The instruments used were questionnaires and observations. Sampling using total sampling, consisting of 35 respondents for each control and intervention group, Statistical tests using dependent t-test and independent t-test. Results: A significant difference in average knowledge and skill scores in the control group before Education was 43.50 and 37.68, and after education it was 57.10 and 56.34. The intervention group before teaching was 47.01 and 54.33; after teaching it was 64.33 and 74.69, with a p-value of 0.000. The results of statistical tests showed a significant difference in the average score after Education in the two groups, with a p-value of 0.014 for knowledge and 0.000 for skills. Conclusion: This Research showed that Education with animated video media and leaflets can improve mothers' knowledge and skills about breastfeeding techniques.

Keywords: Animated Video Media and Leaflets, Breastfeeding Techniques, Health Education


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How to Cite
Hayatiningrum, R., Cahyati, Y., & Februanti, S. (2023). The Effect of Health Education Through Animated Video Media and Leaflets About Breastfeeding Techniques on the Level of Knowledge and Skills of Breastfeeding Mothers. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 6(3), 38-46.