Morphometric Analysis of Kernel Trait in Rice (Oryza sativa L.): In search of Correlation among Quality Traits from F6 Breeding Lines of a cross between Pusa Basmati-1 and IR-72 rice varieties
The hybridization of Pusa Basmati 1 and IR 72 produced an aromatic, elongating, and non-aromatic, non-elongating mapping population for quality attributes in rice. In terms of other qualitative qualities, the parents also differed genetically, and their genetic distance was considerable. In this study 365 lines in the F6 population were examined for kernel dimensions, cooked kernel elongation ratio (CKER), alkali spreading value (ASV), and kernel dimensions both before and after cooking. The apparent amylose content of the sub-set of 110 F6 lines was also characterized. With the exception of kernel breadth and ASV, all features showed continuous and normal distribution, indicating quantitative inheritance. All of the characteristics, with the exception of ASV, showed transgressive segregation. High heritability findings suggest that the quality attributes in the F6 lines were genetically fixed. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to evaluate four distinct hypotheses about the correlation of QTLs for quality attributes. The phenotypic variance explained by the QTLs was 45.68% for CKE-R, 38.63% for LAC, and 25.35% for L-BAC, indicating that the parent Pusa Basmati 1 was the source of the gene(s) controlling the inheritance of these traits.
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