Optimization of PEG 400 and PEG 6000 in Simplicia Ointment of Laportea decumana (Roxb.) Wedd

  • Wahyu Dwi Ramadani Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Krisna Dewi Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Rani Dewi Pratiwi Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Eva Susanty Simaremare Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, University of Cenderawasih, Jayapura, Indonesia
  • Erpina Santi Meliana Nadeak Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health, Tanjungpinang, Indonesia


Introduction: The Papuan people have utilized the native herb Laportea decumana (Roxb.) Wedd for centuries to treat aches and pains L. decumana is used by attaching leaves to the body area with the illness. Methods: This study aimed to test the optimal composition of PEG 400 and PEG 6000 in the L.decumana  simplicia ointment formula to produce a good physical quality ointment. This study employed three formula designs made up of a mixture of PEG 400 (A): PEG 6000 (B) in ratios of 65%:35%, 50%:50%, and 35%:65%, respectively, using the simplex lattice design approach. Physical qualities of the created ointment, such as organoleptic, homogeneous, miscibility, stickiness, pH, and acceptability tests, were performed on it. Next, the results of the physical properties test and response calculated were used to obtain the optimum formula. The One-Sample T-test with a 95% confidence level was used to compare the experimental findings of the optimal formulation ointment with the results expected by the optimization approach. Result: The results indicated that the optimum composition was PEG 400: PEG 6000 by 60%: 40% which physical quality having a spread of 3.63 cm; pH 9.2 test; and stickiness of 7.5 seconds. The results of the One-Sample T-test showed that there was a non-significant difference between the experimental results and the predicted p>0.05. Conclusion: The ointment of itchy leaves can be formulated with specific composition and had good physical quality.

Keywords: Laportea decumana (Roxb.) Wedd, Ointment, Optimization, PEG


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How to Cite
Ramadani, W., Dewi, K., Pratiwi, R., Simaremare, E., & Nadeak, E. (2023). Optimization of PEG 400 and PEG 6000 in Simplicia Ointment of Laportea decumana (Roxb.) Wedd. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 6(2), 32-41. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31632/ijalsr.2023.v06i02.004