The Effect of Substance Abuse Associated with Nutritional Status and Blood Pressure in Santal Women


Background:  The global burden of diseases and associated risk factors in developing countries has altered radically over the past decades, with a clear shift from communicable to non - communicable diseases. Hypertension is a major and probably increasing blood pressure as well as HT is the important risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Objective:  This study was undertaken to study the effects of substance abuse associated with nutritional status and blood pressure in Santhal women. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out on 100 adult females aged above 18 years were incorporated. This study was undertaken in the Baganpara village of Bolpur, under the Birbhum District. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were also taken. The t-test analysis was made to determine the comparison of blood pressure levels by nutritional status. Results:  However, the result of the present study in adult Santhal females revealed that the mean age was 36.86(±15.6) yrs. However, the mean height, weight, MUAC, MWC, MHC, BMI, and WHR were 151.8 (± 4.63) cm, 43.2 (±6.07) kg, 23.6 (±2.14) cm, 70.7 (±7.46) cm, 84.34 (±7.39) cm, 18.7(±2.17) kg/m2 and 0.83 (±0.03) cm. Moreover the mean of SBP and DBP were 112(±13.0) mmHg and 76.2(±6.94) mmHg, respectively.. It was revealed higher mean SBP in alcohol consumption, as well as higher mean SBP and DBP in tobacco consumption among user. There was no significant (P>0.05) association of socio-economic variables with blood pressure. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) mean SBP & DBP, between thinness and normal where as revealed significant (p<0.05) difference in SBP and DBP between undernourished and normal individuals. Conclusion:  The present study in Sathal women of Birbhum district revealed that the normal mean blood pressure of adult females was higher compared to thinness, and the mean SBP and DBP of undernourished women were lower than normal individuals.

Keywords: Blood Pressure Variables, Nutritional Status, Santhal, Substance abuse


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How to Cite
Roy, S., Roy, J., & Ghosh, J. (2023). The Effect of Substance Abuse Associated with Nutritional Status and Blood Pressure in Santal Women. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 6(2), 15-24.