Formulation of Edible Film Ethanol Extract of Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix) Leaves Using Corn Starter and Cassava Starter Variations
Introduction: Kaffir lime leaves are plants that have antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans. Streptococcus mutans bacteria are bacteria located in the oral cavity and can cause dental caries disease. Objective: This research will develop edible film preparation of the extract of kaffir lime leaves ethanol using cassava starch and corn starch as gelling material. Methods: Edible film of kaffir lime leaf extracts is then evaluated for physical properties that include fragility, shrinkage drying, pH and thickness. The data obtained were analyzed by qualitative and quantitative analysis. Result: Kaffir lime leaf extract with 25% extract concentration showed that its physical properties qualified physical properties in accordance with comparative products, but for pH test only formula with the use of cassava starch as a hydrocolloid binder that meets the pH of mouth. Conclusion: Panelists prefer an edible film with cassava starch composition as a hydrocolloid former.
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