Diversity of Zooplanktonic Community of two wetlands of Kolkata
The diversity of zooplanktonic community of two fresh water wetlands designates as P-1(rain fed) and P-2 (sewage fed), in relation to influence of some abiotic factors (Water temperature,transparency,pH,DO,CO2, DOM, SiO2, PO4-P, NO3-N, Hardness, Alkalinity, COD and BOD) and their seasonal variations have been studied. P-2 has fairly high DO and pH is always alkaline and is also rich in nutrients.But in P-1 all the above parameters recorded low values.The zooplankton community comprised Rotifera, Copepoda, Cladocera and Ostracoda. A total of 76 species (57 of Rotifera, 13 of Cladocera, 5 of Copepoda and 1 of Ostracoda) in P-1 while in P-2, 66 species (47 of Rotifera, 10 of Cladocera, 7 of Copepoda and 2 of Ostracoda) are recorded. Among rotifers Asplanchnasp,,Brachionus spp., Keratella sp.,Filinia sp., Lecane sp., Polyarthrasp., Testudinella sp. and Rotaria sp. are more abundant, among cladoceransDiaphnosomasp., Ceriodaphnia sp. and Moina sp., among copepodaHeliodiaptomus sp.,Mesocyclops spp. and nauplius larvae are more abundant.
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