Effect of Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Leaves against Cholesterol Levels in Wistar Rats with Atherogenic Diet


Introduction : The risk of atherosclerosis increases when elevated blood cholesterol levels. Flavonoids may help inhibit the absorption of fat, which indirectly helps in lower cholesterol levels.Flavonoids are widely available on the Andrographis paniculata leaves (APL).This study aims to examine the effect of flavonoids in APL stewto lower the cholesterol levels. Material and Methods: This research was carried out using five different groups of Wistarrats. Each group consists of five Wistar rats. Group (K-) received normal diet, group (K+) received atherogenic diet and three groups of atherogenic diets rats that pre-treated with three different doses (0.6, 1.2, and 2.4g/day) of APL leaf stew. APL stew is orally gavaged for 60 days. The cholesterol blood serum was analyzed using the CHOD-PAP method.  Statistical analysis using One-Way ANOVA and Post-Hoc Tukey. Results : The results showed a significant difference in cholesterol levels between the groups of theatherogenic diet with other treatment groups (p = 0.000).When compared with thenormal diet group, treatment with 1.2 g and 2.4 g of APL produce cholesterol levels not significantly different.APLstew has been shown to inhibit the elevated levels of serum cholesterol in male Wistar rats that fed with the atherogenic diet which contributed 54.8%.While fat intake increased the cholesterol level by 16.3%.Both APL stew and fat dose intake together affect the formation of cholesterol with a contribution of 69.2%. Conclusion : The dose that is considered as the most effective in lowering cholesterol is 2.4 g becauseit producescholesterol level closest to normal.

Keywords: Andrographis paniculata; atherogenic diet; cholesterol


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How to Cite
Laili, R., Alristina, A., Ethasari, R., & Hayudanti, D. (2021). Effect of Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Leaves against Cholesterol Levels in Wistar Rats with Atherogenic Diet. International Journal of Advancement in Life Sciences Research, 4(3), 26-31. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.31632/ijalsr.2021.v04i03.004